Quick! In one simple sentence tell me, “What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?”

Ahhh, let’s see. It’s the teachings of Jesus. And maybe the Ten Commandments. Ummm… Well, it’s the atonement of Jesus. Oh, it’s the Savior’s example and His life… ummm, and His death… and His resurrection. I remember now, in seminary we learned that the word “gospel” means “good news” so it’s the good news of Jesus Christ!

We talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ all the time and we live the gospel in our daily lives, but can we define it or explain it in a simple yet comprehensive way? How would you answer a nonmember or a non-Christian who asked you, “What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?”

Can you summarize the gospel of Jesus Christ in just twelve words and still capture the fulness of what the gospel really is? The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have done so in the missionary pamphlets.

Before I tell you the answer the Lord’s prophet would give, try to mentally fill in the blanks…

The gospel of Jesus Christ is   _____   _______________   ______________   _______   for the ____________________   and  ____________________   of   _____   _____________ .

It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ because the   _______________   of   _________   _________  is central to this   ________ .

The fulltime missionaries utilize several pamphlets to help nonmembers prepare for baptism. One pamphlet is called, “The Gospel of Jesus Christ.” The front cover is a picture of the “Woman at the Well” conversing with Jesus. The inside front cover contains a picture of the Savior giving the Sermon on the Mount. The first section starts with the question: “What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?”

If you’ve at least given a thought to the possible answer, turn the page and learn the proper answer that we all should know by heart…and soul.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is  our Heavenly Father’s plan for the happiness and salvation of His children.

It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ because  the atonement of Jesus Christ is central to this plan.


That’s it! The gospel is the plan of salvation and exaltation that Heavenly Father presented to us in the pre-earth life. Before this life, we accepted His plan for our happiness and Jesus Christ as our Savior.

If and when we hear the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ again in this life, we accept it by covenant and ordinance, and we live it until we are “safely dead with our testimonies burning brightly” (M. Russell Ballard, see Ensign, May 1996, page 27).

If we don’t hear it in this life, we live a good life and hear it and accept it in the spirit world and the ordinances are done in the temple.

Then we are resurrected and inherit eternal life.

That’s it! The gospel is our Heavenly Father’s plan for our salvation with Jesus Christ as Savior.